I have soo many girls in my family and children I've had the pleasure of teaching, from grade school to seniors in H.S. Men who call themselves interested in children as potential mates are not only troubled and need help but they also have no idea of what it means to be a man. Unfortunately, there is also a shortage of men, willing to walk alongside men and teach them how to be men whether they gave birth to them or not. But then you have to be willing to learn for wisdom to find you. Any of us could have come in contact with these people, in their professions or just at the grocery store! Our society is off the chain! It doesn't matter who you are, if you are hurting, the ONLY option you have is to get help before you hurt someone else. My phone was blowing up over the R Kelly allegations when the documentary first hit the press and even he was once hurt and molested as a child. There's no justification yet there is no way around a cycle of abuse going unaddressed. The problem is, the people who should speak up, don't. The people who are in a position to help stop the behavior, enable it. The children suffer and become adults who suffer and the cycle continues. Locking them up just gives them time to come up with a slicker way to do it next time. If people don't get help. . . the behavior won't change. But then what can we really do as a compassionate society? It seems that we are simply too grown to receive feedback and too prideful to admit when they have lost our way. We collectively make excuses, blame others, and rationalize our way out of proper accountability and treatment for our pain. Thank goodness for a system that at least puts our most vulnerable citizens first! Glad for a 'win'.
Continue to fight for the lives of those who are unable to fight for themselves. You may be the only voice someone has so dont be afraid to use it!